Tera Warner

Heavenly, Healthy, Oustanding H2O! The Benefits of Drinking Water

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Water is absolutely vital to good health.

Next to air, water is the most essential element to our survival.  Without it, humans would die in a few days.

There are many benefits of drinking water daily because the human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82%, and our lungs are 90% water. An estimated seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. This is rather surprising for our Western nations considering, relative to so many other places, water is plentiful and easily accessible.

People just don’t realize the benefits of drinking water daily for the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil.

To remind you to fill up your glass today and lubricate your grey matter, here are some of the benefits of getting your daily shot of H20.

All human cells and functions depend on water to do their job. Water is the base for saliva, for the fluids surrounding the joints, for the regulation of the body temperature and blood circulation, for the digestion and absorption of food, for the moving of the food through the intestinal tract and the elimination of waste, and the regulation of our metabolism.  If you can think of a bodily function, chances are, water is involved at some point!

Other benefits of drinking water daily also include the prevention of diseases: colon, bladder, and breast cancer and other types of ailments and disorders that affect the systems of our bodies. Considering the vast amount of money we spend on treating sickness, it seems sadly strange that water, the best means of prevention, is virtually free. You can drink over 4,000 glasses of tap water for the price of a six-pack of cola.


For a long time, water has been undervalued and we haven’t been very educated about it.

Few people know, for example, that the body can use up to 10-12 cups of water a day for breathing, digestion, elimination and perspiration. If you don’t replenish it daily, your body will become dehydrated and this situation can worsen many health conditions. In order to avoid this situation, let’s see how much water is really enough.

Experts have always said that eight glasses (8 ounces) per day is enough, but I would say it can be more for athletes and for those living in warmer environments to compensate for the bigger loss of water they have through perspiration as well as the regulation of body temperature.

So, I would say that the best rule would be to drink one cup of water for every 20 pounds of body weight. If you exercise or work in hot climates, it can be more. The color of your urine is a good indication. If it comes out pale yellow it’s an indication that you drink enough water.


The benefits of drinking water daily include the improvement of many health conditions.

Such as:

  • exhaustion,
  • nutrient absorption,
  • toxins removal,
  • circulation,
  • angina,
  • heartburn,
  • hypertension (blood pressure),
  • immune diseases and many more.

Other benefits of drinking water daily are related to the kidneys. Kidneys need water to filter out waste and toxins from the body. A lack of water would allow the kidneys to dump their work to the liver and what happens is that the liver will not perform as well by not metabolizing the fat as it should do.

Increasing your water intake is not really a choice. On the contrary, it’s an essential component to long-term health.

For the best results, drink a tall glass first thing in the morning when you wake up.  Drink water between your meals and snacks, waiting approximately half an hour before and after eating if you can.  This will help you get hydrated without diluting your stomach acid, needed for optimal digestion, during meals.

About the Author:

Gilles Coulombe B.A. B.LL D.S.A. is a member of the Canadian Health Institute. After holding senior executive positions in the Public Service as well as in the Private Sector, he has developed an expertise in natural health. His writing is dedicated to improve health naturally without expensive and potentially dangerous prescription drugs for babyboomer’s and others wishing to live longer, healthier and happier.