Tera Warner

Meet My Son, Sebastian. He’s a Wild Child!

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Meet My Wild Child

This is Sebastian. He’s 10 years old and has the dirtiest fingernails and feet of anyone I know.

Getting him to wear shoes requires impressive negotiation skills and a darn good reason.

He emits a constant stream of mouth noise. Sometimes it’s musical, sometimes it’s rhythmic, sometimes it’s just annoying.

On any given day he can spend upwards of 2 hours chasing, inspecting, dissecting (I know, it’s gross) bugs and insects of all sizes and shapes.

He can identify more edible weeds, flowers, mushrooms, berries, bugs and animal tracks than any other kid I’ve ever met.

He didn’t learn it all from me. He reads books and spends hours watching Nature and learning from it directly.

Why We’re Getting Back to the Wild

You may have heard that we have an upcoming WISH Summit called Back to the Wild.

We’re not getting Back to the Wild so we can grow more armpit hair and feel good about it!

In 1980 the term ADD was created and now over 6.4 million children!!! have received the diagnosis. In some states up to 40% of school boys are on prescribed stimulant drugs.

We’re getting Back to the Wild because fundamentally something has gone wrong with the way we live  and if we don’t take responsibility and do something to change things, who will?

Starting on September 19th we’ll be launching a free series of 10 Nature-inspired interviews designed to help you remember just how good dirty fingernails can feel.

I guess, to be honest, I’m kinda hoping that within the quiet ranks of caring citizens on planet Earth, we can start to make a bit of noise about “Nature Deficit Disorder” and prescribe long walks outside supplemented by bug-watching, tree-climbing, dirt-digging, weed-eating, star-gazing and real live human being-hugging as the cure.

You in?

