Tera Warner Interviews Teresa Tapp – Squeegee Your Way To A Fit, Healthy Body
A wishsummit.com interview
Oh sure, you can strap on your sneakers and sweat it out at the gym. You can jog around the block or do another round of sun salutations to get yourself back in shape. But what if you could access a form of fitness that would not only lift and tuck you in all the right places, but it would also help facilitate a deep lymphatic detoxification and leave you feeling healthier and looking hotter than you thought possible? And what if you only needed to take 15 minutes a day to make it happen? Here to help you bend, tuck and tip your way to a fabulously healthy body is Teresa Tapp.
You can access this terrific call right here:
Teresa Tapp is an exercise physiologist/rehabilitative trainer whose specialty is real fitness from the inside out. Teresa’s program isn’t about weighing yourself and counting calories or working out 7 days a week for 3-4 hours a day. The T-Tapp program is about RESULTS! Let’s face it – it really does come down to inch loss. Who really cares what the scale says if you look great when you look in the mirror?
The next session for our BE-Clean program is starting April 19th! Come join us to: restore your energy,improve your health & shoot your confidence through the roof ! Our 30-Day Program will clean & green your home & leave you feeling free of trapped energy and muddled thoughts!