Bikinis, g-string, granny gitch and boxes, too! Alisa Vitti and I hooked up yesterday afternoon to celebrate and harness the power of your panties–or at least what’s going on down there and who you are as a powerful force of feminine energy in the world.
You’ve got oceans of emotions and curves that can turn heads on a dime. You hold the power to bring Life into the world between your legs, and so it will serve you well to talk about the food and the attitude that will help you tune in to and turn up the volume on your feminine energy.
To make it all happen I hooked up with one of my favorite soul-sisters and a powerful, panty-wearing force to be reckoned with, Alisa Vitti. Alisa is the founder of and she’s put together the support, information and tools women need to reclaim the power in their panties! This was a FABULOUS call and here’s a taste of what we covered:
– how best to understand your power and feminine energy
– the one mindset that will get and keep you in your juiciest groove for life!
– how your personal power is derived in your endocrine system
– what is taking your panty power away and how to reclaim it
– THE most empowering way to look out for yourself when dating new partners
– three ways to get libido back after menopause
– a four-step system to help you reclaim your power and feel juicier than ever!
Prime yourself for pleasure and tune into this powerfully inspiring call with Alisa. You can access our previous interview with Alisa when you sign up to enjoy the entire history of WISH Summit calls. Sign up here. If you found this call helpful, please forward it to your loved ones, sisters, mothers, daughters, neighbors and friends. There’s power in our panties and it feels like an uprising is in the making…
You can listen to this interview here:
Love and lace,