Raw Mom Cooked Dad: Ron Obadia On Powerful Partnerships & Compassionate Parenting
by Tera Warner
This is one of my favorite interviews ever! In an attempt to help facilitate the conversation between couples who have different points of view when it comes to food, we’ve put together a series of fabulous interviews with Ron Obadia as part of our Raw Mom, Cooked Dad summit!
Ron Obadia shares his story of how he transitioned the psychedelic path of raw foods. (I laughed SO hard. This is such a great story!!) Ron also shares some of his communication practices with his partner, Nadine and their son, Lief!
There’s a lot of inspiration in this call and it is SO fun to listen to!
Compassionate Community & Healthy Living
Here are a few more things you’ll get out of this call:
- The most important foods on their plate and why
- The crazy, intense deep dive Ron took into raw food and what it did for him
- What is Ronatarianism and how does it help his family thrive
- The practices Ron and his family incorporate into their lifestyle for ultimate health
- What he feels is the secret to a successful, loving relationship
- Ron’s secret blueberry chia pancake recipe!
(They even bring it with them on trips. Nadine LOVES it!)