Tera Warner

A Note from the Diva

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Greetings Graceful Creature,

It’s been a while. 😉

I just came back from a 4-week self-development vacation and wanted to let you know what I discovered!

I slept 8 hours every night, I ran every morning, I ate great
food, took vitamins and spent hours in the sauna every day sweating out
all the old drugs and toxic residues that had been stored in my fabulous fat cells.

I did that same routine every day for 28 days.

Then something happened!

My vision became sharper, my spirit calmer, my mind was clear. I felt for the first time fully
in control of my Life, and my relationship with food. While it wasn’t
always easy, there are some things I learned along the way and I want to
share them with you:

You are not your food obsessions, restrictions, or compulsions. You are definitely not what you eat!

You are as alive as you are willing to communicate. 

You are as free as you are willing to love in spite of all reasons not to.

You are as wise as you are willing to accept that you may not have all the answers yet.

You are as peaceful as you are willing to embrace the differences of others.

You are as powerful as you are willing to believe in your ability to achieve anything!

If you’ve been hiding behind the size of your thighs or the width of your hips, then it’s time to break free.

Gluten-free crackers will never satisfy your hunger for Life, nor will green smoothies quench your thirst for Love.

Trust that no matter how rough and tough Life gets, YOU have what it takes to overcome the obstacles.

Feed on that, and know that I will always remain your biggest fan and admirer,