Tera Warner

The Health Benefits of Raw Fruits for Your Bones, Blood Pressure, and Breathing

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– by Mariana Ashley

fruit and the raw food diet

Most are aware that fruits are good for you; after all, they are a healthier alternative to fatty, greasy foods.

But aside from keeping your waistline trim, did you know that certain raw fruits can actually help you sustain a long healthy life by preventing certain illnesses and diseases such as cancer and the common cold? To learn the health benefits of particular raw fruits, continue reading below.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most versatile and important nutrients your body needs to main healthy. Thus fruits that are high in vitamin C are crucial. This is because they help fight off certain illnesses like the common cold and the flu since they are high in antioxidants – a special substance that works to build your body’s defenses and protects your cells from free-radicals.

oranges arthritisThese free-radicals are harmful toxins that weaken your immune system, which makes you more venerable to sickness and can even encourage the development of certain cancers. Vitamin C also works to strengthen your bones and helps to prevent or delay the formation of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis – diseases that makes bones and joints extremely brittle.

Typically, great sources of Vitamin C can be found in brightly-colored citrus fruits like:

  • oranges,
  • grapefruit,
  • tangerines
  • and lemons.

But Vitamin C can also be found in pineapple, papaya, cherries and in an assortment of berries.  Experts suggest that females 19 and older consume at least 75 mg of vitamin C a day and males of the same age group 90 mg a day.


Fruits that are loaded with potassium also have many different health benefits, but by far its most vital contribution is aiding in the prevention and relief of cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death in America.

banana heart healthPotassium works to eliminate extra sodium from the body and makes your muscles strong, including the most important muscle in your body – your heart. With that said, potassium can even prevent against heart attacks, strokes, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

Fruits that are high in potassium include:

  • bananas,
  • cantaloupe,
  • avocados
  • and apricots.

Prunes, dates and raisins also contain high dosages of potassium. Experts suggest consuming at least 2,000 mg of potassium per day.


Many know that a diet high in fiber is needed to regulate bowel movements and can aid in preventing Colon Cancer, but fruits that are high in fiber can also help reduce cholesterol levels and ease the side effects of asthma and other respiratory diseases and illnesses such as bronchitis.

apple asthmaFruits that are high in fiber work to control inflammation and eliminate mucus in the air passages – two of the biggest factors that contribute to excessive coughing and wheezing.

Fruits high in fiber include:

  • grapes,
  • apples,
  • and kiwi.

Experts suggest consuming 25 grams of fiber per day.

While one may reap the benefits of eating the fruits mentioned above frozen, it is always best to consume them fresh.  Raw-canned fruits and preservatives are overly processed and will not be able to give you the proper nutrients that you need.  So load up your next green smoothie with the goodness of raw fruits and enjoy their sweet delights and nutritional benefits.

About the author: Mariana Ashley is a freelance writer who particularly enjoys writing about online college. She loves receiving reader feedback, which can be directed to mariana.ashley031 @gmail.com.


Get access to over 50 fruity and green bursting recipes when you take our 10-Day Green Smoothie Challenge!  Click here to let the fresh fruit and green fiesta begin!