Raw for Health: Natural Garlic Remedy for Candida
Candida is an over growth of yeast which can be found naturally growing in your gut. Candida Albicans is commonly found on the skin, digestive system and genital area.
Most women will be familiar with the tingly itch of a yeast infection, but many don’t consider that perhaps the cause of their fatigue, weight gain, excessive gas and depression could be related to an over growth of yeast in the gut.
What Are the Causes of Candida?
Candida can be partly blamed on our lifestyle choices, and in particular our diet of highly processed foods and in particular refined sugary foods.
Yeast loves sweet things which give it more strength to flourish in your intestines. When the balance of good and bad flora is tipped, there can be an over growth of yeast. This may weaken the intestine walls allowing Candida to seep into your blood stream.
Once in your blood stream the infection starts to affect the whole body, causing tissue damage, accumulation of toxins and thus, a weakened immune system.
The Symptoms of Candida
As a result, people who suffer from Candida are tired, exhausted and feel like they have no energy to do anything. If your body is not functioning properly, other aspects such as your mood and mental state can start to be affected. Combine this with weight gain and little energy to move, and depression can soon start to set up camp.
Skin disorders such as eczema and seborrhoea dermatitis are also a result of an overgrowth of yeast, in this case when it is located on the skin. Most annoying is the itch and unusual discharge that can be caused by using chemicals or perfumed products that irritate and upset the balance of your sensitive parts.
There are many other factor which affect the health of the skin, and our Skin Care Secrets course is loaded with really valuable information on exactly what you should do to heal and restore your skin in just days!
How to Naturally Heal Candida
Mother Nature has provided the strongest anti-fungal that kills Candida and acts as a natural antiseptic: Garlic!
- Its amazing properties cure inflammations of the stomach and intestines by destroying all the unfriendly bacteria.
- Research has confirmed that garlic can eliminate serious outbreaks of infection, often within two days.
The amazing chemical Allicin found in garlic, when mixed with Allinase enzyme through digestion of the garlic cloves, produce Allicin: a powerful antioxidant that can help kill candida. Allicin acts like a free radical scavenger, eliminating toxins that if left to accumulate can lead to various degenerative diseases.
Garlic as a Natural Remedy
Wondering what’s the best way to prepare your garlic remedy? Eat it raw!
To benefit from it’s anti-fungal properties, consume 2 cloves a day:
- diced up in salads
- pulsed into pesto
- juiced
Eating garlic raw, rather than cooking it, will ensure you will get the most out of the photochemical Allicin it contains.
Of course you should be aware that the side effects of having too much garlic might include bad breath, body odour or stomach upsets. It’s up to you to decide whether this is a fair price pay to be able to avoid the pharmacy and “let thy food be thy medicine”.
One other point to to take note of: as the garlic takes effect ad there is an accumulation of Candida dying off in the gut, you may need to stop eating the garlic long enough to allow your body to catch up with elimination of the toxins.
During this time, flush your system with loads of water and chew on some parsley for clean fresh breath.