Tera Warner

How to Find Love in All The Right Places: Exploring the Anti-Social Side of Social Media

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How to Find Love in All the Right Places: Exploring the Anti-Social Side of Social Media

– by Brenna Ortner

Nobody has the power to make someone else love you. Which is exactly why it’s such a tricky part of life. Money can’t buy it.  What we do have is the power to love ourselves, to love others, to radiate our own love. By doing that, we change ourselves and ultimately change the world that we live in.

It sounds quite simple but then again the most powerful things usually are. Surround yourself with people who bring love into your life. People who make you feel more love for yourself and for the world. Studies show that our income is the average of our five closest friends, so why shouldn’t our happiness and love for ourselves be too?

7 Important Questions to Ask Yourself 

Dr. Mark Hyman explains that our friends, friends, friends lifestyles affect our decisions even more than our genes from our parents. Social networks are extremely powerful.

Are you surrounding yourself with loving people who treat you better than you treat yourself?

“You must constantly ask yourself these questions: 1. Who am I around? 2. What are they doing to me? 3. What have they got me reading? 4. What have they got me saying? 5. Where do they have me going? 6. What do they have me thinking? 7. And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay? Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” Jim Rohn

Surround yourself with people who increase the amount of love that you feel for yourself, for them, for an idea, really for anything.

Love is love.

Rise up to each others’ levels of love and abundance instead of coming down to another’s. If you find yourself upset or feeling down after spending time with someone – be conscious of it. Spend time with people who are so happy that they make you happy, and then become that person for others.

The Anti-Social Side of Social Media

Pay attention to the information you are allowing yourself to receive everyday. Fill it with real life people, real laughter, real words.

Don’t get me wrong, I love sharing the love through my Facebook and Twitter, but I also have real life relationships. I don’t measure love through the amount of Facebook likes I get. I talk to people every day.  I get feedback from them. I know how they feel by their body language and looks on their faces. Even clients that are over the phone, the tone of their voices, their words, their pauses, it’s all information and love that I receive.

We only receive a tiny amount of information through typed words as opposed to actual words. I think we are starving for actual relationships. How can you attract real love if you aren’t around real people?

Unplug Your Computer & Plug Your Bathtub, Instead

We are living in a world where the amount of information overload is staggering. If Facebook and Twitter are making you feel more love, great. If they are making you compare yourself to others in a negative light then use less of it, find a new outlet for your time. This is a different world we live in today.  We have the opportunity to compare ourselves not only to the Jones’ next door but to hundreds if not thousands of people through social media.

Someone is always going to have  something better than you or more of what you want. Comparing yourself can quickly make you feel bad about yourself, feel as though you are not enough, not as loved as everyone else, and this is no way for “social” living to make you feel.

Instead of spending a few hours on social media sites spend a few hours with just yourself and a book, a bath or a call to an old friend or family member. You’ll feel so much more love and know that it came from you for you.

Are you focusing more on what happened yesterday or on what love you can create today?

You Have an Unlimited Supply, So Share It!

The most efficient way to bring love into your life is to send it to others. Have compassion for others and send them love no matter what they are sending to you.  If you have trouble sending love because of issues from the past, grudges, or whatever is going on with you, try EFT (also known as tapping) to clear those emotions and start over on the right path. EFT is one of the most efficient ways to clear any blockages in our bodies that have stuck there through emotional traumas that are subconsciously affecting our lives everyday. For more information on EFT you can read here or here.

Giving your love doesn’t leave you with less. A candle loses none of its light by lighting another candle.

What Are You Gonna Do About It?

Tell us in the comment section below one small change you can make, to put yourself in a position to receive more love, praise and gratitude.

Meet Brenna Ortner


Brenna Ortner is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach who guides women to thrive in their bodies. She can help you can feel calm and confident, lower or eliminate sugar addictions and find the real energy you’ve been looking for. She’ll work with you to heal the root cause of your health challenges so you can start living a happy life with your body working for you, not against you. Brenna specializes in PMS, mood imbalances, infertility, low libido, low energy, inability to lose weight & menopause .