How Ayurveda Helped Me Heal My Joint Pain Naturally in 2 Weeks
– by Christy Mills
I have joint pain. As I explained in my last article, sometimes you don’t realize how much pain you are in until you are healthy.
It really started innocently enough. My husband and I were in Las Vegas for a little getaway and decided to shop. (I mean, what else is a girl to do?) My bags started to accumulate (ok, there weren’t THAT many but they were heavy!!) and I was carrying them all on my forearms. That night at supper my elbows started to ache, and ache, and ache! The next day they felt a little better but were still really sore. By the time we got home, it was a distant memory.
That was 8 weeks ago, and when I got home that ‘ache’ started to progress into other areas of my body. I live a fairly active lifestyle, which involves going to a bootcamp style workout class 5 times per week. We do a lot of treadmill work, jumping, and weight training. The pain in my joints continued in my elbows but also moved into my knees, ankles, wrists and finger joints. I continued to think that it would go away on its own.
It didn’t.
Doctors and Their Drugs
At first, I thought it was because of the intensity of my workouts. I kept going, but my trainer & I decided that we would modify the exercises so that there was as little impact as possible on my joints. Initially, the pain began to ease off, but quickly came back. Some days were worse than others, but I did not want to change my exercise regime. There must be another way! I thought.
I finally made a Doctor’s appointment five weeks after the pain mysteriously appeared. I was sent for some very thorough blood work (again!) and x-rays to rule out rheumatoid arthritis. 🙁
The Doctor that I saw recommended going on Celebrex, a very strong anti-inflammatory that would also take away the pain, a drug that is normally prescribed for arthritis. I decided against taking the prescription because we didn’t even know if arthritis was an issue at that point. I left the appointment in tears. I was so mad and frustrated that I was in this situation in the first place and then to hear a Doctor suggest going on drugs for a mysterious problem was something I just could not wrap my head around!
I made another Doctor’s appointment for 10 days later with my regular family physician. In between the two appointments I started to feel some relief but thankfully I kept the appointment because it was just a temporary hiatus! I also found out that my blood work and x-rays came back normal so NO rheumatoid arthritis! (HUGE sigh of relief!!)
After speaking with my Doctor at that second appointment, she informed me that I was a mystery! The initial Doctor that I had seen had been very thorough with her testing and so at this appointment it was again recommended that I start taking Celebrex and I was also referred to a Doctor of internal medicine. I left the appointment wondering, “now what?” There must be another way and something I could do for myself in the meantime.
It’s funny how things come into your life just as you need them. I was working out my frustration with my sister when she said to me….“Hmmm, let me check this book I have and see what it says about joint pain.”
An Ayurvedic Diagnosis Hits Home
It was a book on Ayurveda. One definition of Ayurveda explains it as this…Ayurveda (meaning “the science of life”) is a holistic healing system that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. It treats mind, body and spirit as one, and strives to balance the essential elements that exist in all of us to attain our natural state of pure health. I have this book she was referring to!! I have already read those pages! That little section of the book suggested removing nightshades from my diet.
Vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers and onion needed to go, as they aggravate the stiffness in our joints. Another suggestion was that there might be excessive dryness in my body. Ok, I could see that, as my skin is usually one big flaky mess! A remedy, giving myself a body oil massage before bed. “Hmmm,” wasn’t sure about that one!
After starting over with the book, and doing a little more research, I decided to schedule a consultation with the author, an Ayurvedic wellness approach to finding a cure for this pain. The days leading up to my consultation were among the lowest I’ve had. I was in a total slump, VERY emotional, very frustrated and my mood would just not lift.
Hmmm… That Sounds Familiar
After the consultation I felt some hope! She informed me that with my symptoms I was having in all areas of my life, I was basically completely out of balance. I had completed a questionnaire previous to my consultation that told me I have a strong vata (air) dosha.
When ‘vata’s’ are out of balance we experience some of the following conditions…
- Cold hands/cold feet
- Seeming to have endless energy with a crash into fatigue,
- Many ideas and difficulty finishing things,
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Dry skin and hair
- Brittle nails
- Excessive thirst
- Dehydration
- Cracking in the joints
- Joint or muscle stiffness
- Feeling ungrounded
- Feeling disconnected
- Difficulty focusing
- Being careless
- Easily distracted
- Constipation
- Indecisiveness
- Lightheadedness
- Restlessness
- Being overly talkative
- Insomnia
- Arthritis
After reading this list and absorbing it, it was like check, check, check. I can remember having most of these things happening to me most of my adult life. Exactly how long have I been out of balance? What I also learned was that because I have been out of balance I had created a weak digestive system. Having a weak digestive system creates all sorts of issues in itself, but looking back, this is probably why I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
With all of the stress that was happening in my life at that time, my body could just not keep up! If I continued on this path, I would probably end up with another auto-immune disorder!!
Significant Change Was In Order
Two weeks after making some significant changes in my diet I was back into balance. One of the things incorporating ghee into my day. The thought of eating ghee really had me struggling. It just seemed like something too ‘heavy’ to eat. (I am attracted to light, airy foods being a vata but actually need heavy, grounded foods to bring me back into balance). I now look forward to my meals with ghee because they make me feel calm and grounded.
I have started dry skin brushing. This is totally my peace of heaven in my day. I put a few drops of lavender essential oil on the brush and wow!! Is it ever AMAZING! I have also started the body oil regimen suggested in my consultation. I’ve only done it twice but have noticed a huge difference in my skin, hair, and YES my joints.
Another suggestion made, was to find a way to incorporate yoga into my life on a regular basis. Yoga is not something that is readily available where I live, so felt that this could be a challenge. My first real exposure to yoga happened a year ago, and at those few classes I could attend, I felt so at peace and had a feeling of “this is were I belong!”
A home practice for me is hard, because I still have this feeling of needing to do everything right. (I am learning to let this one go!) After making a plan of how this was going to work at home, I came across a local business offering yoga two mornings a week. I’ve been to three classes already and guess what? The poses in those classes are exactly what was recommended to me!! Truly unbelievable what opens up to you in your life when you are willing to receive it!
So, in only 2 weeks, with the few changes that I have made, the pain in my ankles, wrists, and hands are gone! I occasionally get achiness in my elbows, but my knees are still aching all the time. My Ayurvedic supplements and cookbook that I have ordered should be here by the weekend and I am sooooo excited to start next week healing my body from the inside out!
Have you ever struggled with sudden joint pain? How did you resolve it? I’d love to hear your stories below!