How I Brought Life into My Vision Board
By Emily Nature
Months ago I visited Bali and found a picture of my friend there on stage at a live presentation called PechaKucha Night – a rapid presentation format with 20 image slides and 20 seconds for each, with a full house of people enraptured by her delivery. I downloaded that picture and put it on my vision board and looked at it every morning on my phone screen. I knew I wanted my place on that stage, I just didn’t know how soon it would happen!
My Message Came Out, Loud and Clear
Just months after my visit to Bali, the opportunity of a lifetime to become a Body Enlightenment coach came along and my journey of growth and transformation, and even fear, to be honest, began. What would I do, what would I be, how would things turn out, what if I failed, what if I couldn’t make it at all?
Feeling the call of that image on my vision board I decided to move to Bali; I wanted to make healthy living a sustained, permanent lifestyle for me. Unknowingly, the island is a fertile ground for my message of life, love, laughter, and luscious living to be heard. It is also here that I fell in love with an extraordinary man who was instantly attracted to my true nature when he saw my feet literally dancing and bouncing on the ground!
It took some days to get settled in my new land of beauty, and then… one morning, something magical happened.
I looked in the mirror and was amazed with gratitude: I felt so good, so confident, and so in love with my body! I felt amazingly light and pure. After 9 years struggling with food and body image, I had learned to listen to myself and get back into communication with my body. In that moment, I knew that was the message I needed to share.
I Had Painted My Picture, and Walked Right Into It
I’m not a raw foodie and I’m not here to preach to people about eating fruits & vegetables. But I can tell that the healthy way is not attached to any particular diet. The way is always the simplest and most intuitive one: get back in communication with your body. It’s that simple. Eat when you’re really, really, really hungry. Eat what makes your body feel good. And stop when it tugs at you to do so. Tera had been saying this all along, but it was only in that moment after moving to Bali that I could truly understand what this meant.
I was on fire. I contacted the organizers of the PechaKucha Night event, put the images together, and scheduled my presentation.
That night was a dream come true for me; the picture on my vision board had come alive! I breathed life into that picture, and the woman on stage was not my friend anymore. She was ME. I was in the picture that I had painted 5 months ago. It was surreal.
Sharing a Magnetic Message
“Emily Nature, energy and vitality personified,” one of my friends posted on Facebook with a picture of me on stage.
I am so happy that I could be the embodiment of my message. I could be the inspiration for people to put the power back in themselves, to be reminded again of their truth, and to know that it’s possible to have such high vibes of energy and vibrancy! Perhaps that’s what I’m here to do! To sprinkle more happiness, aliveness, vitality, vibrancy, and joy all over the world, one person at a time!
For now, I can believe that that energy, that passion, that aliveness and youthfulness in me is what makes me so unique. It’s what makes people drawn to me. That is what’s going to make my message so magnetic. And for that, I am relaxed. I can just be me, because that’s what will change the world!
How do YOU feel about inspiring change in yourself and in others?
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Meet Emily Nature
With her pure heart, free spirit, and expressive authenticity, Emily Nature is a swirling blue flower that sprinkles joy, playfulness, and vibrancy into life. Through a blend of wholesome food and poetic arts, she shows people how healthy living can be simultaneously fun, delicious, and sensational. As a Body Enlightenment Coach, she’ll sweep you onto a nature-inspired movement where you’ll sing, laugh, spring, soar, and relish a luscious life! Contact Emily at [email protected],