Tera Warner

They don’t want me to send this, but here it goes…

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BE You Authentic Beauty Kit

I’d Rather Be Honest Than “Likeable”

by Tera Warner

Here we go!

I’m gritting my teeth with nervousness as I write this.

When I push the “send” button on this email, I will have put myself in a rather uncomfortable position.

You see, there are ways to communicate which make other people feel comfortable and as much as possible I believe we should conduct ourselves in such a way.

H o w e v e r…

…when honesty and personal integrity are on the line, the need to be “liked” can take a backseat in silence! 

Which is why, in spite of knowing what the backlash of what I am about to do will cause, I am going to do it anyway.

Crackdown on “Natural” Cosmetics

What you are about to see is the result of HUNDREDS of hours of relentless investigation and tireless digging through layers of marketing and regulatory red tape. 

Cosmetic companies know you’re busy.They put big pictures of lavender flowers on their labels to convince you and keep ingredient lists long and incomprehensible so you won’t ask too many questions.

They’re counting on the fact that you’ll be too busy to bother looking past the pretty pictures to ask questions.

So I did it for you, and here’s what came up: 

BE You Authentic Beauty Kit

Spend One Hour That Will Save You Thousands of Dollars and Add Years to Your Life! 

This video is 57:55 long.

I know what you’re thinking. “I don’t have time for this.” 😉

BE You Authentic Beauty Kit

The fact is, your not having time is precisely how we got into this mess–a mess where millions of dollars are being spent on an industry DESIGNED to keep women feeling alone and insecure.

We’ve been too “busy” buying more stuff and getting things done.

We took for granted that cosmetic companies were  looking out for our best interests.

With $95 billion dollars on the line, it’s safe to assume ethics have been compromised.

But don’t believe a fiery over-communicative redhead like me. 

You watch the video, and decide for yourself. 😉

Love and thanks for your time and trust,

Tera Warner


BE You Authentic Beauty Kit