Tera Warner

The #1 MOST Important Thing I Did To Get My Life Unstuck!

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Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose!The #1 MOST Important Thing I Did To Get My Life Unstuck!

~ Christie Lynn Kinsey

I had it all. The husband, kids, big house on the water, money, stuff, green grass, AND the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom.

Despite it all, I felt selfishly stuck and unfulfilled. Deep down I had a burning desire for more. I craved true love, passion, and the freedom to be me.

When Life Turns Upside-Down

I spent countless days and nights stuck in my head swirling, undecided and unsure about the future.

I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! I had no passion for getting out of bed and no clue what in the world my purpose was supposed to be.

After years of taking care of everyone else (because that’s what we’re “supposed” to do) and ignoring the whispers that something horrible was going on inside of me, I got sick, really sick! I was all bottled up inside.

Then came early menopause. I was so sick I thought I was going crazy or even dying. I had to start new, dig myself out of the mud. I had to get unstuck.

I went to Nutrition School and became a Health Coach. That helped a lot. Educating people about healthy lifestyle choices became my passion. I loved helping people navigate their way back to health, and I was able to get myself healthy again.

Then came the divorce! Then came shutting down my business! Then came moving three times in one year!

I was healthier but still stuck. Nothing was working. I needed a new fix!

Turning Life Around

I was finally ready to trust my gut!

I made the big, bold, courageous move and went to a retreat.

The first few days I sat and observed (I’m an introvert). I even had second thoughts and wondered if I had made a huge mistake even showing up. After a while I thought to myself, I paid for this retreat, so I should get the most out of it by participating. It was painful but I joined in.

That’s when things started to shift. The exercises showed us how to get in present time and stop thinking so much. It wasn’t meditation but something better. I was loving it! I became curious and eager for what was next. Each exercise we did built on the one before and it all came together.

The very first exercise I did blew me away. It was SO empowering I couldn’t believe it. I was starting to feel like I had made the right decision. By mid-week, I was fully engaged and feeling quite giddy. The “real me” was coming back to life! It felt SO FREAKING AMAZING!!!

The other women were open and caring and warm and we found we had a lot in common. It was so easy being with them and there was no competition.

It was also a “detox”. We ate the most amazing clean, raw food which was another key component to showing up alert every morning for the exercises of the day. The sluggishness was gone, I was sleeping better, I felt lighter and had lots of energy, even at the end of the day.

At night we stayed up for pajama parties, giggling and getting to know each other better. I made the most beautiful new friends : )

I had found my tribe. It was the exact breakthrough I needed.

I left feeling more alive than I had in 20 years. The future was bright. I was empowered and determined to live my newly found purpose.

It was so inspiring and empowering that I went on two more retreats, and that’s when I decided I had to get trained to host my own retreats. I wanted so badly to share everything I’d learned, for making my life go right, with other women who were looking for the same thing.

Taking Back Control Of My Life

Today I’m making decisions and getting stuff done like a ninja woman, using the incredible tools I now have. I’m not running around exhausted because I know how to manage stress better.  I’m in full control of my life.

At the end of the day, when I lay my head on my pillow, I know with certainty that the greatest gift I ever gave myself was the gift of being me.


Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose!Christie Kinsey, Executive Coach & Healthy Hormone Expert

With a wide-open heart and fun loving spirit, Christie is dedicated to raising women up and out of the muck of midlife and into enlightenment and love of her ever-changing body and life, better than EVER before.

Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose!

Leave your Stress & Overwhelm Behind!
Find Yourself with us
in the Heart of Costa Rica!


Join us for a women’s health retreat to restore your
self-confidence and finally start living a life you love!


Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose!

A Women’s Retreat in Sunny Costa Rica!
February 28 – March 5, 2016
San Pablo, Costa Rica