Tera Warner

Have You Written Your “To Be” List?

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Have You Written Your “To Be” List?

~ by Tera Warner

So Much To Do, So Many Things To Have…

You take the time to organize your list of things to do:

The shopping, the shipping, the washing, the wiping, the cooking, the cleaning, the talking, and stocking the cupboards with food.

You take the time to organize the things you want to have:

A haircut, a short skirt, a hot date, a day off work. A blender, a juicer, a sauerkraut maker.  Something to eat, something to wear, something new to pull up your hair.

When you’re busy with all you have to DO, so you can chase all that you want to HAVE…when do you sit down and take inventory on a few of the things you’d like to BE?

We’re Doing It All Backwards!terainbluebells_2

3000 marketing messages per day probably have something to do with a widespread belief that in order to BE happy, we need to HAVE the things we want (money, youth, the right body, health, a partner to love, etc.) and then finally we’ll be able to DO what we love and then we will BE happy.

But it works the other way around!

You have to BE happy first. That is what empowers and inspires you to DO what it takes to HAVE the life you really want for yourself.

If you’ve had a rough go or a tough life, your stuff isn’t much or you’re not doing what you love, tomorrow everything could change

if you decided to BE someone totally different in the morning.

Your habits are not hard-wired.. Your destiny is not carved in stone. Every day you can wake up and choose who you want to be and it will change everything about what you do and allow yourself to have.

You can wake up tomorrow and be exactly who you want—the only risk is that given you’re well-grooved to give importance to the stuff you have and the things you do, you may not trust or believe in the new person you’ve chosen to BE.

So let’s make your “To Be” list and strengthen that muscle! 😉

terawithkids262x343Decide tomorrow that you can BE clear, confident, optimistic and hopeful (in spite of the apparent reasons not to). Be patient, compassionate, understanding and truthful (in spite of temptations to be otherwise). Be steadfast, strong-willed, generous, forgiving, accepting of other people’s shortcomings (it will certainly help you get over a few of your own.)

No multi-million dollar marketing firm is going to make the big bucks when you decide to stop doing and having the latest gismos in Glamor magazine and decide instead to stop and spend some quality time with yourself.

It’s easy to spend lots of money and time doing and buying more stuff. I’d like to offer up the possibility that your next best investment be some time spent in a quiet, confident optimism about the fact that the coolest thing you can do, and the best thing you can have…

…is the ability to be exactly who you choose.

What do you think of THAT? 😉

Love and the serenity of being,

Our next life changing Virtual Lifestyle Design Retreat starts Jan 17, 2016. Spots are filling quickly so go and sign up now while there’s still room!