Tera Warner

If Autism Hasn’t Affected You Yet, It Will

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dealing with autistmIf Autism Hasn’t Affected You Yet, It Will

Hey there, Sunshine. 😉

I just found out about an online summit that I thought you should know about. There are a LOT of online summits out there, and I haven’t promoted any of them for years. This one touched pretty close to home for me and since I care a lot about the people and the project involved, I wanted to let you know about it.

The Autism Hope Summit is coming up this weekend.  (In case you think autism doesn’t affect you, read my 3 Reasons below! If it does affect you directly, you’re going to love this!) Autism–the condition itself, contributing causes and possible treatments–has consumed more of my time, attention and energy than any other single thing over the last three years (outside of teenage behaviour management ;-)).

3 Reasons You Should Attend the Autism Hope Summit (Whether You Know Someone With Autism or Not!)

#1: You Get Hit Harder by What You Don’t Understand

At the end of World War II, cases of autism were 1 in every 10,000 people. Now, they are 1 in 68!! Autism and Autism Spectrum Conditions are becoming one of the fastest growing epidemics affecting our population right now.

That’s no accidental increase. It is a direct result of our choices and our parents’ choices over the last 50-60 years. 

If you have children, if you want to have children, if you know anyone who wants to have children, you NEED this information. Your NOT knowing and understanding clearly what conditions contribute to the development of autism or what it takes to solve it, puts you and your loved ones at significant risk of contributing further to those statistics (or becoming one yourself)!

#2: Change Is Less Painful When You Want It, Than When You Need It

We have changed the way we live–chemical pollutants, pesticides, plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc. All our actions have consequences, but some of the consequences of our current chemical cocktail culture, we have only begun to understand.

Marketing makes it easy to stay distracted in a photoshop bubble instead of really looking at how our choices affect the health and well-being of life as we know it. It’s very tempting to wait until trouble is breathing down your neck before you do something about it. In this case, you don’t have to. 

If you stop and take a look at what’s happening, and do something about it, trouble never needs to breathe down your neck. You can prevent it. If you don’t, then you risk putting yourself in a situation where you have no choice–you have to address it.

If autism has not personally affected your life yet, it will. Just look at the statistics. It WILL hit someone you love, and when it does, this information could significantly improve and even save the life of someone you really care about.

#3 If These Tools Can Help With Autism, They Can Help You, Too!

The tools and information shared in the Autism Hope Summit are addressing some of the most fragile and hard-to-reach situations we have on our planet right now.

If the tools for communication, health, gut recovery, nutrition, supplementation, etc. can work for improving autism and some of the most severely disconnected individuals we have, imagine how much these tools can handle:

  • Brain fog, ADD, depression and other conditions that compromise attention and concentration.
  • Environmental sensitivities and allergies.
  • Digestive upsets, sensitivities, bloating, irritable bowel conditions and more!
  • Communication challenges with loved ones.

Autism more than any other thing in the last 3 years has kicked my butt and made me a MUCH better person.

  • It’s made me courageous in my willingness to help and confident in my belief that even the worst situations can improve.
  • It’s made me a more competent and attentive communicator.
  • It’s shown me how very persistent you need to be to make great things happen and how brave and beautiful people can be when they care.
  • And it’s shown me more about the beauty of the human spirit than I ever learned on bended knee.

Autism can kick your butt in the best way ever, too. All you have to do is sign up.

I know you’re busy, and I wouldn’t have taken your time telling you about this event if I didn’t think it could significantly improve your life or the life of someone you love.

The solutions are out there for some of our biggest life challenges. Don’t want until trouble is knocking on your door to understand and prevent life-altering conditions from hitting way too close to home.

The Autism Hope Summit has brought together some of the very best teachers and leaders and communicators to address one of the fastest growing epidemics of our time. I sincerely hope you’ll check it out and believe it will be very well worth your time and attention to do so.

Love and hope,
