Tera Warner

Balance Hormones Naturally & Detox Your Liver: An Interview With David Wolfe

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hormone balance, liver cleanse, Tera Warner, xenoestrogens, David Wolfe

Balance Hormones Naturally & Detox Your Liver: An Interview With David Wolfe

by Tera Warner
One of the biggest factors affecting the hormones and health of people today are something called “xenoestrogens.” “Xeno” means foreign, so xenoestrogens are man-made chemicals (and so foreign to the body) that mimic estrogen in your body and wreak havoc on your hormones and health.  In this interview with David Wolfe we look at what these fake hormones are, the problems they’re causing and how we can take responsibility for removing them to improve our health, hormones and happiness.

What We Need to Know About Xenoestrogens

It’s one of the more interesting areas of all nutrition. I feel like this particular area of science and research is probably the most important area for detox that we’re going to see in our lifetime. Because, ultimately, most of the stuff that we’ve been exposed to, like DDT, is a bad form of estrogen, or a xenoestrogen.

DDE, which is a metabolized DDT, is also a xenoestrogen, and a bad form of estrogen. A whole bunch of other things that are in our environment, like BPA, which is a xenoestrogen. All of this kind of stuff, there’s so much of it that has worked its way into the human body that it’s causing so many problems, that ultimately we’re talking about toxicity.

This is as big of a factor as heavy metals or anything. This is the biggest issue, especially age-related. So as we accumulate years, we also have pressure coming in from a number of areas. One is natural pressure of the body’s own inability to process out the bad estrogens. Some people genetically can do it better, and some people can’t. But ultimately, all of us will start building up bad estrogens in our liver just from aging, only.

Then we have the xenoestrogen problem, which is introducing weird forms of estrogen into our body, usually from food or contaminated water. And then the third issue is foods that are high in estrogens that may be problematic. We’ve all heard that soy has estrogens in it, and because of its mass consumption as a filler in food, this may be causing us to be estrogenic. So it’s all three of those things at once that are leading us to need a strategy to detoxify this stuff. And to me, I have a lot in that arsenal, which I’d love to talk about.

(Before we get there, can you explain…)

How Are Xenoestrogens Destroying Our Health?

David: Breast cancer. It triggers breast cancer. It triggers hormonal cancers. It triggers ovarian cancer. It’s definitely behind prostate cancer. And that’s just what we see as very overt forms of estrogen dominance.

There are other things that happen as well, metabolic things, syndrome X, where you can’t lose weight no matter what happens, or those 20 or 30 pounds just start not coming off no matter what. That’s usually an estrogen dominant situation.

If we go deeper, then we see that estrogen dominance has been implicated in arthritis. No question about that. Estrogen dominance has been implicated in migraine headaches. Estrogen dominance has been implicated in insomnia. Then it goes on.

It’s pretty much every major chronic age-related condition, definitely there’s an estrogen dominance component, and according to the doctors I know, who have been testing people and their hormone profiles, pretty much everybody is borderline estrogen- dominant or pushing towards estrogen dominance, probably due to the environmental toxicity.

[Xenoestrogens] will have effects on your emotions, behavior, sexuality. A whole bunch of things are altered by these hormones because the hormones are signalers. They’re telling your body what to do. They’re giving you a signal. And let’s say, you’re 13 years old and you’re having estradiol pouring into your body. Well, that’s for breast development. You need that at that time. But if you’re 65 and your estradiol is really high, then that’s going to trigger off breast cells to proliferate, and some of those breast cells might be cancerous.

3 Ways to Naturally Detox Xenoestrogens

#1. Go Organic.naturally balance hormones and detox liver

One is the intake of non-organic food and food that we don’t know where it came from. One of those areas is xenoestrogen, so going organic. We have to stop certain things.

#2. Avoid estrogenic foods.

We want to be very aware of very estrogenic foods like soy, and estrogen replacement therapies, which may be exactly not what we need. In fact, the research on estrogen replacement therapy is pretty intense, and after all these years of research, we have realized that we don’t need estrogen. We need progesterone. And we don’t need estrogen if you’re a man. You need testosterone. That’s what all of this research has shown.

#3. Naturally cleanse your liver.

Then we have the age-related accumulation of estrogen. So we want to be aware that, hey, you’ve got to keep your liver cleaned out, keep things moving. So start there.

With your liver, you want to have something in the morning where you essentially make a lemonade. Basically it has lemon and water in it, a little bit of something sweet is nice, like a little bit of honey. I put Noni in with my lemonade. I put aloe in with my lemonade. And then I put a little bit of sea salt in there. And I’ll blend that up. In that way, I’m getting the lemon to breaks down some of the bad estrogen in the liver. That’s what lemon does. But the Noni and the aloe soften the edge on the digestive tract, because lemons are very acidic. So you don’t want to have all of that acid pouring into your system, especially if you’re new. You need a little of a buffer, and I like aloe and noni as a nice buffer.

If you’ve never had any of these things before, start really slow. If you’ve never had real lemonade with real lemons, start really slow. Gradually you want to start using things that are well thought-out. Aloe and Noni are really nice. That would be a morning thing. By the way, all citrus, especially citrus peel, is anti-estrogenic, and very correlated to beauty.

Herbs for Beauty and Liver Cleansing

Any of the old-school beauty products in Chinese medicine, you’ll see pearl. You’ll see schizandra berry. You’ll see goji berry, and you’ll see aged citrus peel. That will be an ingredient. And for years, I was like, “What’s aged citrus peel? What does that have to do with anything? What is this?”

And now, all of a sudden, you come across this whole body of research about citrus fruit dissolving bad estrogens. So that’s part of it.

Then beetroot juice  is one of the best methyl donors, which is a great liver detoxifier. But it’s the type of liver detoxification that is exactly what we want, because it’s donating methyl groups into your liver. Bad estrogen, by definition, is missing methyl groups, so what it’s doing is methylating the bad estrogen so that your liver can move it along the pipeline of detoxification.

So beet juice is high on my list for all of this.

I’d really start looking at natural aromatase inhibitors, like olive oil. A really good olive oil is actually a really good natural aromatase inhibitor. Which means that your good hormones don’t get flipped over into a bad hormone. That happens all the time, especially with age. And if you block that process, which is natural hormone inhibition, to block that good hormone from becoming a bad hormone, then you keep your good hormones longer. Things that fit into that category are really good quality olive oil, quality fruits and vegetables.

Quercetin is a natural anti-Aromatase inhibitor. Another one is Resveratrol, another big one in that list.

Passion flower. John of God, if you’re into John of God. A friend of mine tipped me about the John of God this week. He’s one of the most powerful healers in the world. He recommends one herb above all others, passion flower. It turns out passion flower is a natural Aromatase inhibitor. And then Indole-3 Carbinol, or EstroGuard is a big product in my mind. It’s basically made out of concentrated broccoli.

Most of the research on it is coming out of UC Berkeley. It’s a very simple molecule that’s found in cruciferous vegetables. You can eat cruciferous vegetables, but to get the real high power effect of what it can do, the concentrated Indole-3 Carbinol is probably the way to go. Or if you have thyroid issues, you would have to go to the concentrated instead of trying to eat all of those cruciferous vegetables. But Indole-3 Carbinol and DIM have been shown now to educate your cells in how to get rid of plastics, and how to reject plastic at the cellular level, which, in essence, is a bad form of estrogen. That’s what plastics are, is bad, bad estrogen.

Tera: Wow, that’s so cool.

David: That’s a quick little run-down. Another thing I’d mention and probably important is iodine.

Tera: How do we take it?

David: It’s basically liquid iodine, preferably a Nascent Iodine. Start with one to three drops. You can work your way up higher. Iodine protects you from chlorinated water, from bromine, from fluoridated material, water or fluoridated whatever. It protects you from radioactive iodine. It protects you from the number one contaminate in chemtrails, ethylene dibromide.

Iodine protects you from it. In our world today, because it’s not really like we’re in the caveman days, we literally have planes flying overhead pouring jet fuel on us containing God-knows-what. It contains ethylene dibromide, and you need a little extra protectors to your endocrine system, and iodine protects your endocrine system. So that’s a quick run-down.

Being someone who’s so informed about what’s going on there that suppresses human health, do you ever find it hard to keep your spirits up?

David: Not really.

Tera: No?

David: No. Because it’s totally amazing what’s happening on the other side. I really feel like Dickens hit it with the first line of his famous novel, “A Tale of Two Cities,” which is, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” And by the way, it’s worth actually pulling up that passage and reading the whole paragraph, which is actually very profound. Because it really describes our world, but his world compared to our world is like, we’re on steroids at this point. Everything’s activated to a much higher degree. So really, in my interpretation, it’s the best time ever, it’s the worst time ever.

At the same time.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Tera: Thanks, David.

David: Yay.


Learn more about David Wolfe here. His contributions to the natural health world are immeasurable. His ongoing commitment to constant research and innovation in health technologies has improved the health and well-being of millions of people around the world.

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