Drinking From Plastic Water Bottles Causes Cancer (But This is Worse!)
by Tera Warner
We used to sell Nalgene reusable water bottles which we called “Green Smoothie Jugs.” They were composed of hard plastic #7 and BPA free (not that this is anything truly reassuring). Back in 2007, these jugs were created to hold at least one litre of green smoothie and be portable and non-breakable. At one point we started to receive several comments about how irresponsible it was for us to provide a plastic jug and at that time. I decided to kick up a stress-busting dust storm on the subject.
If you would like a little inspiration to worry less and live more, read on.
The Power of Words to Lift or Crush a Person
Nalgene bottles were made as a solution to excessive consumption of disposable plastic water bottles that most people pick up in a drugstore for a$1 a litre. They’re made of a hard plastic because, at the time, everyone was panicked about the carcinogenic properties of soft plastic. It was a solution to an apparent problem. And I think it’s still a valid solution as long as I see humans toting the drugstore variety, Nalgene still has something good to offer the world.
If you’ve not yet investigated the written works and materials of Dr. Masaru Emoto on the subject of the power of how thought can change physical structure, the entire principle behind which these bottles were built, you can read more about his work on his website. His research is a brilliant and a legitimate example of thought changing matter in the physical universe. His tests confirm that written and spoken words can profoundly change the structure of water.
That having been discovered, we decided to put all of the following words on our new smoothie jug–these are words associated with the color “GREEN”:
Refreshment, Strength, Vital, Health, Flexibility, Balance,
Renewal, Peace, Vibrant, Power, Nurturing, Innovative, Stability, Vivacious, LOVE, Harmony, Wealth, Longevity, Resilience, Growth
Dr. Emoto put one word on a jar: “Thank you” and got incredible results. Can you IMAGINE what our 20 words can do??
So, despite the fact that some 60% of the surface of our super sexy Green Jugs are covered in personal empowerment GUARANTEED to physically alter the state of whatever you put in it, some people are concerned by the fact that if you flip the thing over, underneath there is a tiny number 7.
And apparently, that number 7 is associated with a kind of plastic called polycarbonate something-or-other that “has been linked to” cancer. While I don’t mean to downplay the dangers of plastics, and I do understand them and believe they are best to be avoided, I can’t help feeling surprised at what this situation reflects back to me.
How to Overcome Stress: The Biggest Toxin of All
There’s a LOT of bad news in the media. You’re going to have to dig your teeth into life to survive in just about any arena. Whether it’s the toxic food, the water, the air we breathe or our plastic water bottles, toxins ARE everywhere. There’s no avoiding it really.
But 90% of all doctor’s visits are STRESS-induced–people getting overwhelmed and overloaded. “Stress” is a force that pushes down on you and makes you feel like there’s “nothing you can do about it.”
If someone has picked up a reusable plastic jug, with the intention of improving their diet by loading it up with green smoothie or green juice, and is helping reduce the environmental impact of disposable plastic… And if that bottle has been intentionally designed to be as uplifting, optimistic and empowering as possible to the human spirit, then for Heaven’s sake, don’t knock a person down because of that little number 7.
It takes guts to make life go right.
If you make the job feel impossible to surmount, then people give up instead of push through. There are so many dangers lurking around every corner, but when we focus on the good, on what works, on what’s positive, that’s how life gets a little brighter and a little easier to live.
I’m all for understanding the dangers of plastics and working to improve all areas of life. But do it on a gradient, be gentle with people who are working to pick themselves up. If you try and slay all the dragons at once, you’ll never make it.
When Fear Makes the Headlines, We All Lose
It is apparently much easier for people to believe in fear than in fortune. This is undoubtedly the result of what has been called the “merchant of fear” hard at work. It’s no secret that there are people who have an enormous vested interest in keeping society dis-empowered and ill. I’m not going to point fingers, but the fact that psychiatry pulls in $40 billion a year on “mental illness” for which they still have not determined a “cause” is a point worth looking into.
If you open the newspaper, listen to the radio, or watch TV, you will be undoubtedly convinced that the world is a very dangerous place to be. Hope is gone and humanity is stuck in a downward spiral leading to inevitable doom. Solutions come in the form of a pill or a potion if they come at all.
When the fear-factor behind a tiny, transparent 7 with its “links” to cancer could be enough to cause a person to totally overlook the 20 words of empowerment plastered in big letters all over that gorgeous green jug, thereby overlooking the primary purpose behind creating them in the first place…
…that’s when we know the headlines have taken the upper hand.
How’s it even possible to isolate a “cause” of cancer without eliminating all the other variables including, and primarily, stressful thought itself?
The Complete List of Things That Cause Cancer
To put this into perspective, here are just some of the things that you’ll find in “The Complete List of Things That Cause Cancer:“
air pollution, baby food, bread, breasts, bus stations, careers for women, casual sex, car fumes, celery, charred foods, chewing gum, Chinese food, Chinese herbal supplements, chips, coffee, crackers, deodorants, depression, ethnic beliefs, Ex-Lax, fat, fluoridation, flying, french fries, fruit, gasoline, genes, gingerbread, global warming, granite, grilled meat, Gulf war, hair dyes, hamburgers, high bone mass, incense, infertility, jewellery, kissing, lack of exercise, laxatives, lead, left-handedness, low fibre diet, magnetic fields, mammograms, manganese, marijuana, menopause, microwave ovens, milk hormones, mixed spices, mobile phones, nickel, night lighting, night shifts, nitrates, not breastfeeding, not having a twin, obesity, oestrogen, olive oil, orange juice, oyster sauce, ozone, ozone depletion, passive smoking, peanuts, pesticides, pet birds, plastic IV bags, polio vaccine, potato crisps (chips), power lines, proteins, railway sleepers, red meat, salt, selenium, shellfish, sick buildings, soy sauce, stress, sun beds, sunlight, sunscreen, talc, testosterone, tight bras, toast, toasters, tobacco, tooth fillings, toothpaste (with fluoride or bleach), train stations, underarm shaving, unvented stoves, uranium, UV radiation, vegetables, vinyl toys, vitamins, wallpaper, welding fumes, well water, weight gain, winter, wood dust, work, x-rays.
Of course, we can add to that list, “thinking, worrying about and fearing cancer!”
You can listen to the news, read the papers and the latest reports on polycarbonate-whatchama-call-its, and if you believe the authorities and eat fruits, vegetables, kiss and shave your armpits, it’s time to start writing your eulogy.
How to Rise Above the Noise
We create more of what we validate.
Validate carcinogens, and we create more cancer. But validate the human spirit, validate the unlimited potential of who you inherently are and of what’s possible and Life has a chance to move in the right direction. When we focus on what’s good and right with life, the whole network of connected beings can take a deep breath and live a day longer in a world that would otherwise keep us choked down.
It’s not really about the water bottles. I think the world would be a much brighter, better place to be if each of us became empowered vessels for the water within us! Let’s start plastering love, hope, confidence, truth, integrity, responsibility and HAPPINESS all over our foreheads –or at least our faces by the way we interact and choose to engage with the world.
Don’t be so afraid of the thousands of ways you could die that you forget to get out there and fully LIVE with as much joy, freedom and courage as you possibly can!
Isn’t that what you did before so many people started to tell you the world was a dangerous place to be. 😉