[Communication Challenge] Day 10: Be Enthusiastic
You made it to Day 10!! I hope you feel proud of yourself for sticking to it. I’m certainly grateful you ventured this way and cross electronic time and space with me. I hope you had the chance to test out the exercises enough to be able to see for yourself that self-worth doesn’t come from how you look or what you wear or how much stuff you can pack in your closets, but from how you COMMUNICATE AND CONTRIBUTE to the world around you!
Now that you’ve had a good dose of inspiration and have felt what it takes to lift life up a little, it’s time to put wisdom into action and it will be your turn to do the same for someone else!
Go ahead and listen to this FINAL day’s assignment! Everything you need to hear and know to complete this step is explained in the call, and the tool you’ll need to complete this final assignment can be found below, in today’s blog, along with a few final tips and bits of inspiration! Go get ’em, Tiger!!
“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.”
-Aldous Huxley
How to Prepare for Your Final Exercise
If we’re all walking around with varying degrees of fuel in our “livingness” tank, then enthusiasm is the most animated and uplifting expression and the best one to use if you’re trying to feel like you’re in charge of life more than Life is controlling you!
If you listened to the podcast for today’s lesson, you’ll know there are two things you’ll need to complete today’s lesson, but today’s final assignment will actually require you to practice and put in place ALL the previous steps you’ve learned until now. You will also have the chance to use the tools you’ve learned to make a difference in the lives of others, and
here’s what I recommend you do to prepare for your final exercise:
- Review the enthusiasm video from the preparation lesson here. Really take note of the difference between enthusiasm and the other emotions on the livingness ladder!
- Download the sheet with 12 ideas of how you can crank up your own levels of enthusiasm. Try one of the activities on the poster, or come up with your own. You can come and visit on the Facebook page to see some of the neat ideas and activities that have been done by others! Do whatever it takes to break that social veneer and start looking a little silly and feeling a LOT more alive!
- Use that energy you generated in the last step and leverage it to push you over the edge of your comfort zone so you can do what it takes to lift and improve and inspire the lives of other people who might need a little boost, too.As long as you make excuses for staying quite and small and “minding your own business” life is being held back like the Hoover Dam! You can get life going and flowing in the right direction simply by reaching out with courage to be yourself and see someone for who they are, too!! Go ahead and print off the set of “You are AWESOME” cards and cut them, then go out and, following the instructions in the podcast accompanying this message, find out how to use them and everything included in your final step for the program!
Things To Notice During the Final Exercise
If you want to really notice the results you’ll get by doing this exercise, then consider these questions before, during and after you do the exercise!- How did you feel before doing this final exercise?
- How did you feel while doing this final exercise?
- After you did one or two, did it get easier/different as you continued?
- What were some of the barriers and challenges you had to face to get to the finish line?
- How did you feel once you finished this exercise?
- How do you want to use the tools you’ve learned in this course to improve your life and the lives of other people close to you?
If you actually complete this exercise, and tell us about it below, you’ll receive a special certificate of completion for having gone through the whole thing! Just tell us what you did and how it went in the comment section, or by email, so we know you actually did the final exercise and how it went!
Thank you so much for getting this far. Push to the end. Watch what happens as you tip the scales in the direction of reaching out, stepping up, standing up for yourself and let’s watch what happens.
Thank you SO much for being here and for your courage. Love and thanks, Tera